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1 Jul 2020
Energy Utilities hold the Ace card for Urban Hyperscale Data centers
Energy Utilities hold the Ace card for Urban Hyperscale Data centers

Urban environments will struggle to integrate hyper-scale data centers because suitable sites are in short supply.

15 Jun 2020
The Redundant Urban Gridiron – The Hyperscale Architecture of the Future
The Redundant Urban Gridiron – The Hyperscale Architecture of the Future

The need for better resiliency will result in redundantly connected availability zones and redundantly connected regions.

15 Jun 2020
Opinion: Why we need a Carbon Footprint for the Digital Economy.
Opinion: Why we need a Carbon Footprint for the Digital Economy.

Chairman Max Schulze with a personal opinion on why we need to know more about the carbon footprint of the digital economy.

Max Schulze
Max Schulze
8 Jun 2020
Energy Flexibility – The missing ingredient for the energy transition
Energy Flexibility – The missing ingredient for the energy transition

Data centers would profit from their ability to integrate intermittent renewables into the wider electricity system. That’s what we call net-positive digital infrastructure.

25 May 2020
Data Centers: The Heat source of the Future
Data Centers: The Heat source of the Future

Part of the article series about our report on the future of Digital Infrastructure: Utility of the Future – Where Digital and Energy Infrastructure combine.