TCO Development and SDIA aim to develop a sustainability certification for cloud infrastructure
The organization behind the world-leading sustainability certification for IT products, TCO Development, and the Sustainable Digital Infrastructure Alliance (SDIA), now join forces to further push the boundaries for sustainability and transparency in cloud infrastructure.

The Sustainable Digital Infrastructure Alliance (SDIA) thanks Daan Terpstra for reshaping the Alliance in preparation for a new era
SDIA’s CEO, Daan Terpstra will be handing over the baton back to Max Schulze to lead the organization forward with a reenergized team committed to fostering positive debate, and shaping a shared vision for a sustainable digital economy.

SDIA unterstützt Gesetztesentwurf zur Enegie Effizienz
Hier finden Sie die Pressemitteilung von SDIA, in der die Unterstützung des Gesetzesentwurfs zur Energieeffizienz und Abwärmenutzung von Rechenzentren angekündigt wird.

The SDIA partners with Boavizta to develop a new standard for the digital sector to measure the environmental impact of digital products
The new standard will help organizations to take existing digital resource usage and translate it into a clear and measurable real-world environmental impact — enabling transparency, comparative benchmarking, and improvements.

Press Release: Elia Group becomes SDIA’s newest member
German Datacenter Association (GDA) becomes official partner of the Sustainable Digital Infrastructure Alliance aiming for making data centers more sustainable.