Press Releases
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Press Releases
21 Sept 2021Vertiv Joins the SDIA to Help Drive a Climate-Neutral Digital Economy
SDIA welcomes Vertiv as its latest member. Vertiv is a global provider of critical digital infrastructure and continuity solutions.
Press Releases
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Press Releases
16 Sept 2021Switch Datacenters Joins SDIA’s Growing Community
SDIA welcomes Switch Datacenters as its latest member. They want to contribute to the SDIA community by innovating the data center sector with the help of their R&D team.
Press Releases
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Press Releases
14 Sept 2021STULZ joins the Sustainable Digital Infrastructure Alliance as its latest member
Stulz joins the SDIA and wants to connect with companies and institutions that share their values and vision, and work together to pave the way for the data center of the future.
Press Releases
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Press Releases
8 Sept 2021Press Release: SDIA Welcomes Rolls-Royce to its Vibrant, Fast-growing Community
Rolls Royce joins SDIA and wants to cooperate with us in order to identify lighthouse projects to enable new and sustainable solutions entering the market.
Press Releases
5 Aug 2021
Press Releases
5 Aug 2021OpenUK Announces Support From SDIA and Launches COP26 initiative
SDIA supports OpenUK and COP26 initiative and Amanda Brock joins SDIA's board.