How do we make digitalisation sustainable, accessible and secure for all?
Digital power - compute, storage & network capacity - is quickly joining electricity as a critical infrastructure; yet, the vast demand for digital power across Europe is often being inefficiently provided for. Using the example of accessibility of electricity, we envisage a future where instantaneous and redundant access to digital power is also available to everyone.
Consuming electricity is as easy as plugging a cable into a wall. What makes this possible are the energy markets in which demand and supply are balanced efficiently. As part of our Roadmap to Sustainable Digital Infrastructure by 2030, we are creating a framework for how marketplaces can be used for the efficient distribution of digital power. To reach our sustainability goals, marketplaces play a key role in re-distributing digital power to the most sustainable producers, e.g. the ones using renewable energy or refurbished hardware.
Would you like to join us to create the first Digital Power Markets?